
Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Nothing much to say, but all I know is...
It was weird last night =="
My friend sms-ed me...
Last message I read BEFORE i slept was. . . .
Not going to say ==" But really weird..
Online online~ So much FAKE love also lar!!
==" I just don't understand why do people like to treat it a different way.
I did it ONCE. Never and i mean NEVER do I want to do it anymore . . .
Okay~ Tomorrow I going balik kampung at night =="
No FB, BREADOU for 4 days ==" no no, 2 only x)
Cause tomorrow can still play, sun come home can still play x)
Then next week,
I'M SHIFTING!!! ihope>hahahaha~~ Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~

Stupid EBIL zerom!!!! I killed no card but, I'LL KEEP KILLING xO
I'll kill the ebil zerom =)
and eat chocolates tail x)
hahahahahaha~~~ Hunting for Clip[2] now.
Then maybe ask tommy help ENDLESSS =X
I want my glepnir =="
Die die die, my glepnir only kurang 1 twin blade =(
Sad hor x(
Hmmmm, if only someone has extra [/gg]
I better continue hunting hahaha,
Hunting mvp too~~~ =)
The photo's above are me PIKARING!!! =9
Hao made me d~~ He's one of the Gm that talks alot with players =)
hahahaha~~ I continue hunt sin x)


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